Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Come fly with me!

I love airports, I really do. Maybe it's from my childhood when we would go out to meet people coming home, or say goodbye to those leaving again and we'd usually end up getting a McDonalds on the way home. Whatever the reason I tend to get a thrill when I go to one, they always seem to have a happy energy to me anyway.

I think Kevin Smith nailed it in the establishing scene in Dogma??? If you don't remember it, here's an except from the script:



Now here's what I don't get about you: why do you feel the need to come
here all the time?


(off travelers)

I like to watch. This is humanity at it's best. Look at them.

**A reunited family share a group hug and move on, making way for two young
lovers to embrace and kiss passionately.**


All that tension, all that anger and mistrust, forgotten for one perfect
moment when they come off that plane. See those two? The guy doesn't even
know that the girl cheated on him while he was away.


She did?

**Bartleby and Loki continue to watch the arrivals.**


Uh-huh. Twice. But it doesn't matter at this moment because they're both so
relieved to be with one another. I like that. I just wish they could all
feel that way more often.


I've seen that scene played out dozens of times while I've walked through the Arrivals area. The last time, it was a girl waiting for her boyfriend, she was standing there on her mobile to him waiting for him to clear customs. And she had a couple of coffees balanced on top of each other so they could share a drink. I liked that . . . . made me a little warm and fuzzy inside.

So I'm a romantic, I'm ok with that, . . . . aren't you?

And why the hell not?!!

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