Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Secret Project Stage 2 in progress!

So to kick off I have to say I've really enjoyed playing the few bass lines I can remember on this so I really have to make sure I put everything back as I found it. (This may be difficult lol)
So here is my before picture
Isn't it lovely. Enough said!

Step 1: Unstring and remove the neck. This was fairly straight forward. No major worries. The strings came off without any hassle and I should be able to recycle them. The neck was fairly securely bolted on and took a bit of effort but it finally came off.

Step 2: Remove internal hardware.
This was not so straight forward.
Since there was no scratch plate I wan't able to remove everything intact. I had to cut a couple of wires which I'll have to solder once I'm putting everything back. I took notes and photos of which wire went where but we'll see how that works out.

Step 3: Sand till your hand cramps.
It took about 3 - 4 hours of hard, finger destroying sanding (and that was with a plam power sander) to remove the 6 -7 layers of varnish and paint (and that was just the front) to get to just above the wood. The back can wait till I get back from the states as I went through 5 of the sanding pads and have to buy more.
But that's it so far, at least now I'm commited to the project and going back is no easier than going forward!
More updates as they happen!

And why the hell not!?

1 comment:

  1. Ok.. I am expecting something quite legendery here. I have no clue where it's going but knowing you it will be impressive
