Anyway where had I left off . . . ah yes after we finally got back to our hotel rooms we managed to clean up and head back out to the Hotel Napoleon for a Pre-Wedding meal, a chance for those that were there to get to know each other or at least be able to recognise everyone else on the day. I have to give major Kudos to the Hotel and Staff for accommodating us as it was a pretty last minute thing to be organised and most places would have been hard pressed to have to cook up 24 meals to be served all at once. Dave, empathising due to his years working behind the Bar back in Dublin, threw in to help as much as he could taking orders from everyone and reducing down the amount of different dishes being ordered and soon everything got sorted. There were still a few rounds of drink before they started serving but that only helped ensure there was a good atmosphere going when we were all seated.
In my opinion, though I’m sure there will be those that would disagree with me, the meal was lovely. I had Lasagne with some vegetables and it was really nice, piping hot and a slightly sweet aftertaste. I loved it. After the meal we stayed in the Hotel Lounge and had a few more drinks before we started to make out preparations to head back to our Hotel. Gogz and his Fiancée spent about a half hour in a secluded corner, as Gogz would be staying in Dave’s room that night and Dave’s Girlfriend would be staying with the Bride. Once everything was sorted, bags had been brought along farewells said; Gogz, Dave and Myself went on our merry way back to the Hotel Torino.
Back at our Hotel we had a few Beers, found out who could throw their cigarette butt the furthest (Dave) and talked for a couple hours before crashing before the big day. The next morning I got up and went back to the Hotel Napoleon to pick up the shirts and boutonnières from the Bride’s room. I headed back to the hotel and had a quick breakfast before we went out to do a quick bit of siteseeing. After a quick discussion we decided to try for the Crypt of the Capuchins again. So a quick stroll later and we were back at the Piazza Del Berbini and from there straight up to the crypt which was very cool. Ok I can understand if you’re thinking that’s creepy or morbid but the sheer creativity of the different tombs was astounding. There were winged skulls, a grim reaper, a winged hourglass and a clock face all made completely of different types bones.
Once we had our fill of the crypts we made our way down to the Trevi Fountain (The right one this time) which was very cool to see. I realised once we were there that I didn’t actually know what the fountain looked like, it was just one of those things you always hear about when you say you’re going to Rome. It’s huge, it’s built into the side of a building and it’s packed with people. Tradition states if you throw a coin into the fountain you will return to Rome . . . we didn’t get close enough to throw a coin in, it was that busy, but I’m swearing now I will go back . . . oh yes I will go back!
From there we tried to make our way to the Pantheon but it was a public holiday and there were parades on and air displays and hundreds of people blocking the route we were going to take so we just got some Gelotti and headed back towards the hotel. And we would have pretty much gone straight back to the hotel except we passed this Pub.
Druid’s Rock! Yes they do! First off we were looking to have a pint, secondly it was an Irish pub and if one and two weren’t enough the kicker for me was they had Getafix in their logo! I love Asterix, for most of the trip I was walking around quoting Obelix in my head “These Romans are crazy” We had a quick drink and then went straight back to our rooms to get ready. We had the photographer meet us there to do a few quick shots of us getting ready and a few shots in the hotel once we were done before he headed off to get photos of the girls.
The Car picked us up from the hotel and brought us to the Church San Silvestro. So at last we are on to the Wedding. It’s a beautiful ceremony, the church was fantastic the décor was amazing and they did everything they could to make it a special day. As they have so many weddings they don’t do a rehearsal, the Priest just prompts as needed. Everyone looked amazing but was outshone completely by the Bride. She looked so beautiful lit up by the Sun as she entered the Church I’m sure people choked up.
It was fairy fast paced and soon enough we were whisked away for some photos. The Bride and Groom were taken to the Trevi Fountain first whilst the Bridesmaids, Parents of the Couple and the Bestman and Myself, were taken straight to the Spanish Steps. It was an amazing view, such a mix of various Architectures and scenery, which is so hard to describe. I tried there, as Gogz’s parents are both Blind, and I couldn’t do it justice with it in front of me so I’m not going to be able to now. Once the Bride and Groom arrived we took some lovely shots and then headed back to the Hotel.
The reception afterwards was so much fun, we had a small section of the hotel as it was a small wedding party. Roughly 7 tables with 8 people each, a dancing area and a Jazz quartet playing in one corner. There was a lot of fun to be had that night, Drink was flowing, music was playing and the food was fantastic. Instead of a Traditional Wedding cake they had gotten a giant Profiterole. It was divine . . . . it was all I could do not to Garfield it.
After the meal we had the speeches, which were fun and in some cases a little revealing. For example we revealed how we kept Gogz calm and relaxed before the Wedding. We had a Straight Jacket. I had picked one up in that fetish shop while were out the day before, I wanted it for a costume idea for Halloween (Pictures of that soon) and since we had it we’d have some fun at his expense.
The rest of the night was spent drinking, dancing and in some cases comparing Tattoos. I spent a lot of time talking with the Bride’s younger sister, for which I got a fair bit of stick over from the Family at the Irish reception but more on that later, and at the end of the reception a few of us tried to make our way to the Trevi Fountain to see it at night. Though the numbers whittled down to just the Bride’s Sister and myself. So we made our way back to my Hotel first so I could drop off the Jacket (Straight that is) and then head on to the fountain.
At least that was the plan unfortunately once we got back to my hotel I found myself getting a little turned around and having trouble finding the streets we needed on the map. I’m going to blame this on the fact that my contacts were drying out . . . . . and maybe just maybe the JD’s I’d been drinking didn’t help. . . . but my excuse will still be the contacts. So after nearly getting lost after 2 blocks I reckoned it was safer just to walk her back to her Hotel and call it a night. Which is what we did. I left her at the lobby of her hotel and walked back to mine. That’s it, end of the night.
Note there was no "Scene Missing".
And why the hell not?!!
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