What I didn't know before I got there is that Nazo was still stationed on an Airforce base and because of the different phases they go through she wasn't allowed of base to meet up. So I had to be escorted by some of her wingmen onto the base before I could see her. This should have been grand but they had a warped sense of humour and decided to mess around about at the gate. We eventually got in and went to some tables to eat a pizza we had brought in and were about half way through when this Jeep with a pintle mount on the back of the flatbed pulls up with it's headlights on high beam right in our faces and two people get out. Because of the messing at the gate, security had called in to get us checked out. There I was sitting at a table getting the third degree off of a MP and a DOD civilian officer. I was a little nervous because the honest answer to my purpose of being there was to meet up with a 19 year old girl I had never met before that I only know through the internet and give her candies laced with alcohol. I think I could have only had a worse chance if I was waving a hankerchief and asking if it smelt like chloroform.
After a few minutes of questioning they seemed happy with the answers and left us to what was left of our meal. We had a bit of a laugh about it and probably about 30 mins later they had to escort me off as they had to get back to their barracks before curfew. I got back to the hotel and pretty much fell straight asleep. It was the first chance to get a decent nights sleep I had since I got here. When I woke up I got a quick breakfast and then weighed up my options for the day before meeting up with Nazo again at 5. The only things I knew about the surrounding area was there was a beach that wasn't open yet because of the devastation left behind by Catriona, a Casino right by the hotel or a hooters bar across the road. I ended up staying in my room blogging and chatting with friends as it was too hot outside for me. Irish skin does not fair too well in the sun and this was soo much stronger than what we get back home.
Once I got a text from Nazo to say she was finished with her class I grabbed a cab back to the Airforce base and again had to wait to be escorted on. At least this time I got to spend much more time with her. We just hung out on the base and helped one of her wingmen to make a meal. It was a little weird to be on the base, constantly getting little reminders of the rules they have to follow and the like. But when in Rome and all that. So basically the night was spent talking with any one who came by and eventually it was time for me to leave again. We walked back to the gate with one of her wingmen, she rang her Mom and put me onto her to say a few words as Gaeilge and I'll have to kill her for that. I have to say by the time we got to the gate I found myself extremely saddened to be leaving. It had me in a low mood till this morning, when I got to chat with one of the guys back home who had me laughing so bad it just put the whole day in a new light. I owe him for that.
So now I'm back in the Airport waiting to fly out to Buffalo to visit my relatives out there.
I'm going to finish off with a couple of pics of Nazo & her wingmen and one of Nazo & me.
And why the hellnot?!
Ah the airforce, shame they didn't keep you. Speaking of 'military' messing, I got a phone call from bed managers yesterday. While holding it for another nurse, an old friend from the ambulance service arrived with a patient. He's ex army, and recognising me for the Johns pratt I am he threw me a lazy salute, to which I replied, 'look if your going to salute me, you better snap to attention and do it properly!' forgetting of course that right next to my mouth is now a very lost bed manager.......
ReplyDeleteNot meny Men can say that they were questioned by the US military for giving candy to young girls
ReplyDelete:3 it was good candy too. Very good....