Thursday, December 31, 2009

Half the year in review.

Okay the two posts before this are from the middle of June and the end of October respectively, and this one is being posted on the last day of the year.

That is some bad storytelling. . . . . so I have some apologising to do. I don't know how much really applies as most of the people who see this know the full story but I'm going to pretend there are more people who read this than those who subscribe (though there is one subscriber who I don't think I know in the 'verse!) and explain for those hypothetical readers.

1. First of all I was always told "Don't post bad news ". . . no one wants to hear it and I'll be honest I don't like writing it sooo there. I had to wait till I new how it ended. I had a bit of trouble job wise and was very nervous about it. (Don't worry it all ends well I promise) At start of July we got told that there would be a restructuring of the company I worked for and that there would have to be some layoffs. My team was to be affected with nearly half the positions being reduced. We all had to re-interview for our positions (I hate interviews) and for a week or two I wasn't sure if I wanted to apply for it. I was only there on a fixed term contract and had no major obligations financially whereas several of the team had just gotten mortgages or were planning weddings (or in one case both) so I felt they could do without the extra competition.

But I was convinced by several of my colleagues to make the attempt, that way if I was successful I would at least have the option of saying no. So I applied and I interviewed and I was nervous for a good couple of weeks till I found out one way or the other. Unfortunately by the end of August I found out I wouldn't have the option. (Again it all works out ok) I didn't get to keep my role but in my defence everyone I was interviewing against was doing the same job but for much longer so I don't feel too bad. So I'd have to look for a new job. I had a few other things (Conventions mainly . . . some travel) to deal with before my contract ran out so I wasn't going to focus on that till November. Then at the start of October positions were advertised for the Parent company of the one I work for and these would just have to be applied for, no interview required yay! So I applied and had to wait another few days before I finally got word back but I got it so Yaaaaaaaaay!

I'm doing the same job just in a different office and it works out handier in a lot of ways. Last 3 words on the matter: Life is Good!

2. Life is what happens in between: yeah so things got very hectic for me between July and November with a couple of conventions to hit, another trip to the states and the building of a Robot Model.

Starting with the conventions, I was the Staff Manager for Gaelcon this year so I was responsible for recruiting staff and organising the chain gangs . . . I mean, sweat shops . . . no that's not it . . . ah yes I have it now, Production Parties required before the actual con. Also as one of the Committee for the con I did my best to make it to other cons and promote Gaelcon were I could. To that end I was at, Warpcon, Leprecon, Emeraldcitycomicon, Itzacon, Dragon*Con, Confess and Octocon talking up Gaelcon, collecting items for the Charity Auction and in general trying to make people see Gaelcon as the place of Awesomness that it is. In fact I spent most of Confess and Octocon folding flyers for Gaelcon and only got to play one or two games at both cons.

I think it in the end it paid off as this years Gaelcon was fantastic. The new venue was great, the games seemed to get great reviews (I didn't get round to actually playing though I still had a blast) in general people seemed to be having a lot of fun which is pretty much the only reason we do it. So I call it a success. My staff (Yes they're mine . . . . you can't have them!) were just fantastic to the point that I didn't need to flog a single one of them. (which did disappoint one or two of them) I had walked around for the convention with a Nerf gun in one hand and a whip in the other. (Remember where there's a will there's a way . . . where there's a whip there's a quicker way) So if you guys are reading this . . . . and I know at least 3 of you do . . . . . once again a Big Huge THANK YOU!! Also some thanks to those of you who weren't staff, but still did throw in for the heavy lifting, entertainment of guests, etc etc you know who you are (unless you suffer form Multiple Personality Disorder, in which case you won't) but thanks again.

Now on to my Trip State Side.

Those of you who have read this regularly (back when I posted regularly) would recall my posts on my Triple Threat Trip . . .. if you haven't go search the older posts for April and read them. . .. go do it now! seriously, I'll wait till you get back.

ok you all caught up? Good! Any way after all the excitement of EmeraldCityComiCon (Loves it sooo much) I spent a lot of time looking at photos of other cons on Jennie Breeden's site ( finish reading this then go check out her site . . . that's an order!) and after a while I got the crazy notion to make my way out to another Con she'd be at. It would be a little saner as It'd be a trip just to the con and back no other side trips or the possibility of getting arrested like last time (See I bet if you didn't read the older posts your curious now aren't you . . . go quick, I'll be here when you get back) so looking at the list of cons she was going to attend, I decided to go to Dragon*Con. It looked like the most fun . . . I don't know why . . . maybe it was the Kabuki twins . . . maybe it was Dragon*Con Goddess . . . . it might have been the KiltBlowings. (What's a KiltBlowing you say . . . well it's pretty self explanitory, you take a guy in a kilt add a cute girl with a leafblower . . . . . you know what Jennie has drawn several diagrams that do it better justice, once again goto and check them out. just finish reading this first 'kay!)

So I bought a ticket for the Con, booked flights and a hotel . . . oh yeah then I asked for time off work for it (Thanks Chief) and started my countdown till September. During one of my chats with Nazu I mentioned I was going to go to Dragon*Con and she said she'd try make it down as well . . . . so it was going to be twice as awesome as I had originally thought. In preperation for the trip I made sure to pick up lots of Chocolate to bring with me (Re-Affirming my name as the Irish Candyman!) and had to empty part of my planned case to make room. So I had packed the essentials, you know Kilts, Candy, Sketchbooks and just had enough room to pack some Tshirts and socks. Once I got to Atlanta I was really glad I was going to be Kilted for the entire weekend . . . . Atlanta is hot! I had no idea it was as far south as it is. Nazu and my flights were within an hour of each other so I waited till she landed and we got a Taxi together to the Hotel.

At the con we got to meet lots and lots of cool people, first off my quest was to find Jennie and then I proceeded to locate Aaron Williams ( and Sohmer and Lar ( ). Once I got that out of my system we then actually explored the hotels and went cosplay spotting. (Photos to follow I promise) We found Waldo (I just turned around and there he was), a gender bender Steam Punk X-men and so many Mandlorians we could have invaded the Empire. Our days at the con were basically get to the con hotels, look at the pretty till about 6, grab a taxi back to the hotel we were staying in and grab some food, maybe a quick shower and then another taxi back to the Marriot for the Kiltblowings.

I'm not going to go into major detail on these . .. just google Dragon*Con Kiltblowing and you'll find sooo much documented evidence of the proceedings. Also remember how I said there was less chance of being arrested . . . weeeeeeell Sunday did have a cop involved. (Here' Jennies version of the story . .. ) That's her story and I'm sticking to it. Nazu and I were the ones doing the show that kept the crowds entertained wile Jennie was talking her wait out of Jail.

Celebrities seen and spoken to: soo many people nowhere near enough time, Jennie B, Aaron Williams, Lar DeSouza & Ryan Sohmer (These people are Celebrities to me if you disagree then get off my blog I don't want you here . . . . go on, get! .. .. ..

have they gone? ok I'll continue Patrick Stewart (He signed a picture for Nazu and said Hi to us. 3 seconds of interaction that'll be sear into our Psyches for all time!) Doug Bradley, Malcolm McDowell, Mary McDonnell, Dirk Benedict, Barry Bostwick, Claudia Black, Felicia Day, und so weiter . . . Every one was great and so nice, expecially Claudia Black for not being weirded out when I offered her candie that I pulled out of my Kilt. Made my day.

On Monday Nazu had to go back home . . . :(, I was seriously bummed walking around on my own at the con but I did make the best of it. I was somewhat envolved in a prank that some of the forumites played on Jennie at her stall. (I did feel guilty when she referred to me as the "sane and responsible part of the forum") so I made up for it by helping her pack up.
That's 2 cons in a row that I got to hand with Jennie afterwards (Makes me feel special . . . . and tingly down there.) and then after all was said and done I went back to my hotel room . . . . alone. (That's the awwww moment right there, if you didn't go awww you're heartless!)

And that's all I'm going to post right now. In the Morning which will be my start to the New Year I'll finish the rest.

And why the hell not!?!!!